Thursday, May 20, 2010

And so it begins at the end

Here come the assignments. I wouldn't mind so much if the students who have ended Week 10 of an 11 week quarter read the Lesson Plans and assignment requirements. Most of the assignments I am receiving are from students who did not attend class for the majority of the quarter, or used what we call the 2/1 attendance policy. A student is automatically dropped if he/she misses three consecutive classes, so some attend two classes (do nothing), then are absent for a week (we meet once a week for 3 hours).

I have a student who, in spite of countless phone calls and "advising" sessions with everyone except his chosen diety, submitted three assignments this morning. As I kept trying to explain to those who can see nothing but his paid tuition, (if indeed it is paid), this individualy is functionally illiterate. I am not speaking of academic language...I am speaking of basic elementary school sentence structure. Cripes. How did he get into Composition II?...wait...I know the answer. He has lovely manners...and the Composition I teacher bases her grades on whether students are consistently polite. He begain Week 10 with a zero percent. I accept late work, and don't count off...some of my students have grueling work schedules...but really...there are limits.

I have sent one assignment back to him (email attachment) with partial credit, one assignment demonstrated he thought I was concerned with his opinion instead of the allusion within the assignment.... no credit for you mister...I am avoiding opening the third....yes, I am frightened it will ruin my day.

I know I sound harsh. Maybe cinnamon toast will give me courage.

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