Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Here's anothe buzz word administrators are throwing around. Why do some believe there is a relationship between attendance and "engagement". If a student signs in, does that mean he/she will be involved in the class activities?

Last night, in order to make an attempt to capture the fleeting attention of those who are failing, I asked them to close their taptops and put their phones screen down. You would have thought I had asked them to cut off their left leg and put it on the lecturn. Some were visibly shaken and ran their hands longingly over the closed lap top, or lifted the corner of the phone to see if there was flashing...incoming call or text...gasp...a few started to I knew it was a lost cause.

While I applaud the use of technology, instead of a tool, it has become a distraction for those who need to pay attention the most. I am certainly not implying that every one of my lectures should result in rousing applause, but why should I have to read Lesson Plans aloud because so many of my students will not read assignment requirements..or worse...learn to read? Calling for questions is laughable...some are so busy protecting an inflated ego that a question would imply stupidity. Now I say," Does anyone require clarification?"

Therefore, when administrators track engagement based upon attendance...I laugh.

But why are all the students whose last name begins with M failing? Have I been stigmatizing those students because of a letter?...but that's another blog.

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